Use this service to send a fax from email or receive a fax into your email program without having to install a fax modem, a fax server, or phone lines. Assign various email accounts to the fax number. Receive faxes to all associated email accounts and send faxes from any of the associated email accounts. Whether you are one person sending faxes from your company / organization with thousands of employees, our internet fax service lets you send and receive faxes faster, easier and more cheaply
Key Benefits
send a fax from email or receive a fax into your email program without having to install a fax modem, a fax server, or phone lines.
Assign various email accounts to the fax number. Receive faxes to all associated email accounts and send faxes from any of the associated email accounts.
Whether you are one person sending faxes from your company / organization with thousands of employees, our internet fax service lets you send and receive faxes faster, easier and more cheaply
How The service works
You have your fax number from CYPRUS PBX. We assign this fax number to the desired email address(es)
In order to send fax to somebody i.e. send fax to 25111111
- Create a new email from outlook or other email program from the authorized email. In the field “To” you will add 25111111@fax.cypruspbx.com and attach the document or documents you would like to send.
- CYPRUS PBX accepts files of doc, pdf, excel, jpg, docx, xlsx. The attached file names have to be with Latin characters. i.e. document1.pdf and not εγγραφο.pdf.
- When sending the email CYPRUS PBX will proceed to FAX the attached documents to the recipient telephone number.
- You can send as fax only the body of the email without any attachment.
- In case of body and attachment on the same email, then both body and attachment will be faxed to the recipient telephone number.
- In case of any failure a related notification report will be sent to your email.
- When receiving a fax, the fax will be sent as an attachment to your associated email account(s)