Configure Grandstream VoIP phones with Cyprus PBX Hosted PBX Service

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1. Find the IP Address of the VoIP phone

 Once the phone is powered on and connected to the network, the IP address can be found by going to

From your phone, navigate to Menu >> Status >­> Network Status >> IPv4 Address. It will be of the form 192.168.XX.XXX

Enter the IP address in the browser of your PC and click on search. Then, we will get the access panel where we must enter the credentials, by default they are the following:

username: admin

password: admin

2. Administer Accounts Tab

i. Click on the ACCOUNTS top menu.

ii. Expand the account you’re looking to configure and click General Settings.

You can also use the top navigation to get here if you want.

  • Account Active: Yes
  • Account Name: Give it a name that makes sense for you
  • SIP Server:  Set the SIP Server Port field and the Port field shown under General Information Table in “Configuration Details / Configuration” tab under your Prepaid Platform account (
  • SIP User ID: Set the Register Name field to the SIP User field shown under SIP Users Table in “Configuration Details / Configuration” tab under your Prepaid Platform account (
  • Authenticate Password: Set the Password field to the to the extensions authentication password shown under SIP Users Table in “Configuration Details / Configuration” tab under your Prepaid Platform account (
  • Name: This is the caller ID. Leave it blank

3. Set SIP Settings

Now, while still in Accounts > Account 1 (or the account you want to configure) click on SIP Settings > Basic Settings and provide the following information:

  • SIP Registration: Yes
  • Register Expiration: 5 (this is in minutes)
  • Enable OPTIONS Keep Alive: Yes
  • Local SIP Port:  Start from 5030 to 5059. For each device in the SAME LAN use a different Local SIP port from the range 5030 – 5059.
  • SIP Transport: UDP 

4. Disable Ghost Calls from your Grandstream device

Now, while still in Accounts > Account 1 (or the account you want to configure) click on

  • SIP Settings > Security Settings
  • Enable the option for “Accept Incoming from SIP Proxy Only”. 

GXP Ghost Calls

5. Set the proper Codec

Now, while still in Accounts > Account 1 (or the account you want to configure) click on

  • Audio Settings
  • Set All choices to G.729A/B. Leave the last two choices to PCMA, PCMU

GXP Codec Settings

6. Change your Grandstream oIP phone login


We strongly recommend to change the VoIP Phone login password (Administrator and User passwords) for security purposes!

6. Press Save and Apply to apply the changes.

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